home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- AdvancedINF=2.0
- [DestinationDirs]
- CopyFile95=11
- CopyFileNT=11
- [DefaultInstall]
- CopyFiles=CopyFile95
- RunPostSetupCommands=RPSC
- AddReg=BindfileReg
- [DefaultInstall.NT]
- CheckAdminRights=1
- CopyFiles=CopyFileNT
- RunPostSetupCommands=RPSC
- AddReg=BindfileReg
- [DefaultInstall.NTAlpha]
- CheckAdminRights=1
- CopyFiles=CopyFileNT
- [RPSC]
- prebind.exe %11% %11%\comctl32.dll
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 55=%PackageTitle%,,0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- prebind.exe=55
- comc95.dll=55
- comcNT.dll=55
- comctl32.dll=55
- [BindfileReg]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,Binding,,"rundll32.exe -s bindfile.dll,BindRNDLL32 %11%\ie4file.inf,ie4files,,,3"
- [CopyFile95]
- comctl32.dll,comc95.dll,,8
- [CopyFileNT]
- comctl32.dll,comcnt.dll,,8
- [Strings]
- ;The following should be the name of the localized language in English.
- Language = "EN"
- VerWarning="Your computer already has the latest version of Windows common controls."
- InstallPrompt="Do you want to install the latest version of Windows common controls?"
- FinishMessage="Windows common controls have been installed."
- PackageTitle="Microsoft Windows Update"